Thursday, January 14, 2010

Add a bit of twinkle to your garden. I will!

Turn an empty tin of tomatoes into a fabulous outdoor lantern - just what my little garden needs... A bit more twinkle!

What you will need:

  • Used and empty aluminium can;
  • Soapy water;
  • Felt-tip pen;
  • A pattern - we used a heart;
  • 1 metre of ribbon (the prettier the better)
  • Electric drill;
  • Narrow drill bit;
  • Safety glasses;
  • Tea-light

How to make a lantern from an aluminium can

  1. Soak tin in soapy water to loosen the label.
  2. Using the pen, mark your pattern on the side of the tin and two evenly spaced points at the rim for a ribbon handle.
  3. Insert a narrow bit into an electric drill and carefully drill a series of holes in the tin. Handle with care as the inside will be sharp.
  4. Thread ribbon through the two holes at the rim and knot.
  5. Place a tea-light inside (carefully) and hang from a branch in the garden.
AND... Wallah!! Fabulous lighting for any occassion. I perhaps will change mine up a bit with some pretty, girly ribbon! Kellie xx

From here. x


  1. love it what a great idea..i think i might try it thanks for sharing xx

  2. Thanks for a great idea Kellie. I am going to feed my kids baked beans everyday until I have a nice collection of cans to use!

  3. Just lovely Kellie:) We have used these to line our front pathway for parties too, they look so pretty! Yours is gorgeous, well done! - Tina x

  4. Ah another lovely idea Kellie - and yes it's so simple but oh sooo effective, especially when you do up whole lot and hang them in trees near your patio, (you can also use wire as a handle if concerned about the ribbon handle burning or getting damaged). A row of them lining a pathway for a party is simply spectacular! Thx Kellie!

  5. How delightful! I love this idea!

  6. That looks so good Kelly and pretty much, FREE !!
    I'm off to find a can and a drill !! XXXX

  7. Two of my favourite things - hearts and candles.... mmm lovely! Leigh

  8. Hi Kellie I remember making these years ago - they do look so pretty

  9. Pretty but simple idea. You could possibly paint the tins first with rust-proof paint too. Pity those paints generally don't come in pretty colours though.

  10. those are lovely indeed! hope you're having a great week my dear!

    xo katherine aka. urban flea :)

  11. That's so cute! Definitely simple and it's different to make something than to purchase it.

  12. What a fabulous idea, I think I might use this to decorate the garden for my wedding. Thanks for posting this xx

  13. What a darling idea! I love it - instant way to make someone smile.

  14. How cute for Valentines I am going to save all my tin's now & put them all outside for Valentines eve thanks :-)

  15. How gorgeous this is. Just perfect for all the balmy evenings we have been having.


Thank you for stopping by. Mrs.Darcy xx