Monday, January 10, 2011

Banana and Maple Syrup Pudding Recipe

Over the weekend I made a delicious dessert for Luke and myself - Banana and Maple Syrup Puddings.

Topped with thickened cream, icing sugar (I didnt have a sifter so excuse the chunky bit!) and extra maple syrup, I could have eaten 5 - I can't wait to make them again! This super easy recipe is below, these worked out perfectly and being the pretty average cook I am, this is definitely the type of recipe you can try first go even with guests coming. Enjoy! Kellie xx

Banana and Maple Syrup Pudding Recipe:

2 tablespoons of fine caster sugar
2 tablespoons of maple syrup
1 egg
50g butter
2/3 mashed banana
1/2 cup of self raising flour
Icing sugar
Thickened cream

Turn fan forced oven to 180 degrees. Mix sugar, maple syrup, egg, butter, banana and flour until combined. Place mixture into 2 x 250ml oven dishes. Bake for approx 25-30 mins (or until golden and skewer comes out clean).

Serve warm with sprinkled icing sugar, thickened cream and additional maple syrup.

Recipe source: Donna Hay.


  1. Mmm ... looks very nice and tasty!
    Excellent recipe Kellie.
    xoxo, Zondra Art

  2. Yummy! Have a wonderful evening, Kellie! xoxo Marie

  3. That looks and sounds delicious! Happy Monday Kellie x

  4. That looks do delicious. I will be over in a minute. Pam x

  5. Oh that looks SOOO delicious!..I'm coming over ;)...I'll try and get some tips on photographing my kitchen exploits from your gorgeous pics...lovely styling! Enjoying following your blog...but your updates don't come into my inbox for some reason...grrr...blogger doesn't like me! :(
    Ah well..i'll have to keep coming back...what a terrible shame!!..where's the coffee..time for a browse :)
    I currently have a handmade bag+flower clip giveaway running on my blog if you're at all interested :)
    ciao bella!
    jessie, nelson, nz

  6. mmmm... looks delicious :)

  7. Wow, Kellie, those look delicious! I think I´m gonna make them this week, I feel like I want to make something special... Thanks for sharing!

    Join the giveaway and win Lauren Conrad´s Style book

  8. That looks very yammie yammie.......happy week !!

  9. This does look good enough to break a New Year's resolution for! Thanks for the recipe!

  10. That looks so good. Anything with bananas, sugar, and maple syrup has to be great.

  11. mmmm,this is delicious! thanks for recepies

  12. Yum and Yum! This sounds right up my alley. I can't wait to try it. It is fat free, right? ;)


  13. Yummy yummy! I have all those ingredients so might try this out tonight :)

  14. I need no temptation. It looks beautiful.

  15. Coming from Canada .... this would be the national dessert. Thanks for sharing such a delicious treat.

  16. Ooo, they look delicious and achievable for me! I'll give them a try. Emma xx

  17. I'm an interior designer from Melbourne, Australia - I loved your blog, I found it very inspiring. This is all new to me but I have just set up my own blog
    You may like to check it out because I had so much fun doing it. It's got a bit of everything fashion, interiors, food, travel spots - hopefully you will find something in there that you like.
    Thanks for providing me with such great entertainment!

  18. Looks fab Kellie.....I love that plate! Happy New Year to you.

  19. Oh my this looks amazing...better than what I am eating right now! Monday hugs.xx

  20. Oh my, that looks amazing! SO decadant ♥

  21. Have been away from blogland for a few weeks and what a lovely way to be welcomed back! I want to make this pudding right now! Hope you've have a lovely Christmas and NYE :) Nicolex

  22. Hi Kellie,
    Looks delicious!
    Have a lovely week.

  23. Kellie, if I come visit will you make this for me? hee hee. Totally worth the long plane flight and air fare cost! xo

  24. this looks so yummy! I could eat that for breakfast, lunch and dinner too:)

  25. H E A V E N!!! Do you think it would be wrong to make this in the morning and eat it for breakfast / morning tea?

  26. Beautiful blog...and now I will go to bed and dream about this amazing pudding. Dreaming doesn't have calories, right?
    All the best,

  27. This looks yummy! I am going to give this a try as soon as I fall off the healthy eating wagon. Thanks for the recipe!

  28. Sounds heavenly - my fave combination in a nutshell! KG

  29. I don't know what I like more, your blog or this recipe! Actually BOTH! :) Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for stopping by. Mrs.Darcy xx