Friday, June 18, 2010

Toys to play with....

I still haven't purchased a SLR camera and all the other lenses jazz as I couldn't decide on which one - annoying I know! Luckily Luke's friend is a photographer and is lending me his 'baby' for the weekend and all the bells and whistles that goes with it. Hopefully next week ill have some 'pretty' shots - very, very excited! Then maybe, just maybe I can select the camera...

Have a glamourous weekend everyone! I'll be spending time in front of the computer - still glamourous if you ask me... Kellie xx

Image by La Belle x


  1. Wish you good luck :))) I'm sure that you will select the right one :)))
    happy friday.

  2. Enjoy the camera, hope it helps you to decide, my husband got me an all bells & whistles camera last christmas I still carn't use the thing properly I am obviously not meant to be a photographer (hee) will keep trying!!

  3. Happy weekend to you too!!

    xoxo Laura

  4. i am so photgraphically challenged! good luck with your choices - there's so many to choose from!


  5. Oh I've been gone for a while and so happy to step back into your blog. The absolute prettiness is such a breath of fresh air. Like sniffing a rose!

  6. ohhh have fun with the SLR!! you've reminded me that i need to go out and snap some shots too!!

  7. Hope you have a lovely weekend! You have really inspired me to make some pillows so hopefully I will have them done by Monday!

  8. Have fun with the 'baby' this weekend :)

  9. i recently got a nikon D5000 and it is pretty awesome, good luck with your decision ^_^

  10. I just find Your blog - here is amazing, soooo many beautiful things in one place :) I love it :) im gonna watching You, have nice weekend!!!!!

  11. Dear Kellie,
    I hope that you will share some of the photographs that you take with the super-duper camera !!
    Enjoy the weekend. XXXX

  12. Enjoy your time...I really want to see some of your lovely photos..I am so wishing for a new camera too. xoxo

  13. I can't wait to see your beautiful shots and what camera you will choose! have a lovely weekend, darling! xo

  14. That's even better. You can test it out to see what features you like or don't like. Have a great weekend!

  15. I am in the process of doing the same thing. Not quite sure what camera to buy or what model! Can`t wait to see your pics!! Let us all know how it goes!!

    Take Care


Thank you for stopping by. Mrs.Darcy xx