Sunday, June 13, 2010

Checking off the to-do list!

I hope you are having a lovely weekend. I'm very much looking forward to the public holiday tomorrow... Phew i say - another sleep in! I'm still working away on selecting the products for my store. What a job. Kind of exciting and frightening all wrapped in one. Luckily I have a husband who can make a divine green tea or two to keep me going... Kellie xx


  1. What a fun process - I just can't wait to see what you've chosen :)
    ps I just love the colours in the pics above

  2. Oh LoVe♥♥♥ We must not let fear keep us from making choices to live life to the fullest, choosing Happiness and Joy. Keep being a Brave Girl. **kisses** Deb

  3. I love talking to my mom about her buying trips for their shop. I dream of accompanying them to High Point Market. Why is it I never went into a design field again???

  4. It must be lovely, buying for your shop.....really challenging and exciting. Kellie. I can see how it might be a little scary. XXXX

  5. Enjoy kellie!! once they all arrive it will feel like christmas, I love it when I get my goodies its so exciting happy sourcing!!

  6. That colorful runner down the stairs is so fun!

  7. Gorgeous pics! Enjoy your sleep in. x

  8. Oh ,what a lovely lampshade. I'm in love with any thing remotely turquoise. Have a rest my dear.


  9. catching up on some of your posts after my busy week :) love the gold post, and this one with all of the vintage finds and temptation. i would go completely mad in this store, they seriously would have to take me out kicking and screaming :) have a cheery weekend!

  10. oh how fun! can't wait to see the things you chose! enjoy your long weekend, darling! xo

  11. great pictures .... so great you have a public tomorrow, I wish I had it here too.... have a great Monday !!

  12. Beautiful! Enjoy your long weekend :)

  13. It is all so exciting!
    The images look like 'House Doctor' or 'Rice' - will you be stocking these fab Danish brands?
    Can't wait to see the store when it's finally opened. Please keep me posted!

    x Charlotta

  14. I love your design style...Adore your posts.
    Thank you for your visit :)

    G'day Love.


Thank you for stopping by. Mrs.Darcy xx