Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Classic, classic

Love this room. Even though it's possibly a little more classic than my normal look. Must be those fabulous white chippendale chairs that caught my eye. I am constantly on the lookout for some just like those babies! Kellie xx

From here. x


  1. Kellie, I am with you on this one. I love everything there is in this room and the ocean view is spectacular. Love the chairs a favorite of mine . I am with you on the hunt for some affordable ones. Enjoy the hunt!! Kathysue

  2. Wow! Need I say more?

  3. Beautiful Kellie - love the blue!

  4. Beautiful pic Kellie. I too have a crush on those chairs.
    Kerri x

  5. Those chairs are beautiful!

    Have a super week ~~
    xoxo Laura

  6. I agree - it seems oh so put together and "clean". Not at all messed up or anything. I wish I could have a house like this and I end up buying all these colorful things that don't match! But if I could have this room - including the view - I would trade almost all my knick-knacks!!!

  7. Wow, how about the cornflour blue of those curtains! That's quite a room! x

  8. Those chairs ARE fabulous -- I think though I'd have liked to see a bit more dark in the room (maybe a wood table instead of a white one?) so the navy seats didn't look quite so stark!

  9. those chairs are fabulous - i'd prefer them in black. julesx

  10. yes divine - so beautiful! Don't know what my friends would say if I invited them over for dinner and they saw that room!

  11. I also like the shades of blue and white, and how because of those colors, it seems like the room is extending towards the sky and ocean beyond.

  12. The chairs are amazing...but the view steals the show!

  13. oh yes. such a breathtaking room. i love it

  14. Oh those chairs. They just cant look bad can they.


Thank you for stopping by. Mrs.Darcy xx