Monday, November 9, 2009

Sleeping like a baby!

I saw a hypnotherapist over the weekend and she gave me a relaxation CD to listen to as I am falling asleep of a night time... I can't remember the last time I slept like that. Now I am sleeping just like a baby! Kellie x

Pic from here. x


  1. Funny story to share...
    When my little girl was born, I asked her pediatrician why people always use the term, "sleep like a baby" when babies don't sleep? He replied, "Good point, if you find the answer, let me know!"

    So maybe I need to get this cd? :)

  2. wow...
    That's great! ;-)

    sweet dreams dear!


  3. That's excellent to hear :) I have lots of trouble sleeping lately. What was the cd called?

  4. I'm very lucky that I can sleep anywhere at anytime but glad that you have found the cure for your lack of sleep, Kellie. XXXX

  5. That is fabulous! Good for you! Though I'm sorry you weren't sleeping well?? I actually just use the Crown Plaza's sleep CD (got on one trip to that hotel brand) and it works like a charm, I must say. Yours sounds very intriguing!!

  6. I like the idea of listening to some calming music, will have to give it a try. If nothing else, it would drown out the snoring that goes on next to me. ha ha.

  7. Good for you! I think "sleep like a baby" might refer to being free of worry.

  8. Ooh, I need one of those!Glad you are sleeping well, it is so important!

  9. oh my goodness! that CD sounds great! good for you, darling! xo

  10. I am the worst sleeper, where can I get this CD? Help!

  11. We used to listen to a relaxation hypnotherapy cd in massage school every now and then. It's kind of crazy just how effective hypnotherapy can be! Glad you're sleeping better.

  12. Being able to sleep without worrying is a luxury for me.

  13. Great image you've found and congrats on your return to healthy sleep. Insomnia can be such a horrible pain in the a**.

  14. Hmm....maybe I need a relaxation cd like that. I would love to sleep like a baby.


Thank you for stopping by. Mrs.Darcy xx