Monday, November 2, 2009

Dream breakfast!

What might look like a boring breakfast to everyone else of coffee and toast, its been 3 long months since I stopped having it in my diet.... I drooled as I watched Luke eat this over the weekend... x


  1. Oh what a shame for you. The flowers are gorgeous.

  2. Ooh, coffee & toast.Mmmm. I have just started a "plan" today, not going to call it a diet..but I really have to do something! Will miss toast, though & will definitely still have to have my coffee!

  3. Kelly, I'm hearing you! I've cut out heaps of things from my diet in the past year for health reasons and while the results are amazing, I still crave cupcakes like you wouldn't believe! At least we will always have beautiful flowers!!!
    P.S. how lovely that you and Kate are friends... she is such a gorgeous, gorgeous girl. Maybe one day we will get to meet in person x

  4. Oh toast and vegemite, no coffee...I'm feeling for you. Still, if it's making you feel better, then that's a big plus. I've cut out and cut down a few things from my diet in the past few months and I've lost almost 10 kgs, so I'm a pretty happy girl at the moment.


  5. oh, absolutely beautiful flowers by the way. Love them

  6. Oh Kellie, hope you are benefitting from not having toast. Oh poor you having to sit their and smell the toast - nothing like it especially when you can't have it

  7. Fabulous flowers - are these from the flower markets? Leigh

  8. Is it working???? At least the flowers is a "taste" of heaven!

  9. Gosh girl, LOVE your pics with flowers ..... I'm sure it's your site that always astounds me with gorgeous blooms and colours! I too LOVe flowers!!! G

  10. I always try to trade coffee for tea, but end up returning to coffee. Good for you and your willpower! Your flowers look beautiful, by the way.

  11. oh darling, I know exactly how you feel... I've been on a diet for the past year and lost almost 20 kgs. (yes, don't ask me how). it's hard but I'm feeling SO good now!

  12. toast,butter and cinnamon!....once you start there is no love the flowers, excellent arranging! have a wonderful day!

  13. Coffee and toast that's what I've been having for breakfast for ages..., and I don't think I could ever give that up.

  14. The flowers...I love the flowers

  15. I know how you feel. But I gave in to the toast this morning. :)

  16. Such lovely pictures, Kellie! I haven't given up toast, but I don't drink coffee anymore (well, maybe once every two months I have a wee cup as a very special treat, but even then it's decaf). So sorry to hear that toast is out for you. That's a tough one to quit. xoxo

  17. Gorgeous images and there's nothing quite like the smell of warm and just toasted and buttered toast...I'm sorry you had to suffer through it. Happy Monday!

  18. Absolutely gorgeous pics Kellie! Oh no, no morning coffee...I'd be lost!

    :) T

  19. The colors of the flowers are so soft!


Thank you for stopping by. Mrs.Darcy xx